Title: Status Moralny Zwierząt (eng. Moral Status of Animals)
Published: 2016, PWN
My book is a voice in an important public debate on our use of animals. It's the first study in Polish philosophy in which we can look closely at the ethics of Peter Singer (one of the most influential contemporary philosophers) and trace its practical applications in the context of killing and suffering of animals. It also covers a variety of topics, you can learn:
how animals communicate and experience emotions;
realities of factory farming;
whether all animal experiments are justified;
if breaking the law to protect animals is defendable.
I also tried to cover the subject of potentiality. It's crucial in the context of the moral status of fetuses. So this book can be used as a compendium of knowledge on animal ethics, as well as a practical guide to the moral dilemmas we all have.
10% of the income from the book (all author's income) was allocated to support Open Cages.


Title: The 90/10 of looking good online, an article in Charity Entrepreneurship's handbooks (2019 and 2020 edition).
This 15-page article covers basic tips for new charities on:
designing a website
graphic design
social media/newsletters
I have also designed the cover and created graphics for the handbook 2020 edition.
I mostly publish in Polish, so I decided to translate the titles of my articles (in brackets) to give you an idea of what I write about. I also marked my texts written in English in a different color.
Kanibalizm, klatki, kastracja bez znieczulenia. Taka jest cena polskiej wieprzowiny (Cannibalism, cages, castration without anaesthesia. This is the price of polish pork),, October 6, 2020 - 14236 FB interactions
Kanibalizm, klatki, kastracja bez znieczulenia. Taka jest cena polskiej wieprzowiny (Cannibalism, cages, castration without anaesthesia. This is the price of polish pork), reprint at, October 11, 2020 - 2817 FB interactions
Miliony euro na promocję mięsa. Czy to się opłaca? (Million euros for promoting meat. Is it all worth it?), naTemat, February 16, 2020 - 2224 FB interactions
Testy na zwierzętach. Etyka kontra rzeczywistość (Animal testing. Ethics vs. reality), naTemat, October 29, 2019 - 190 FB interactions
Zwierzęta myślą i czują - co tym zrobimy? (Animals think and feel - what are we gonna do bout it?), naTemat, October 15, 2019 - 2704 FB interactions
Nie ufasz fundacjom? Efektywny Altruizm podpowiada jak inwestować w pomaganie (You don't trust the foundations? Effective Altruism suggests how to invest in helping), naTemat, September 19, 2019 - 107 FB interactions
5 dobrych powodów, by jeść strączki (5 good reasons to eat pulses), ProVeg Polska blog, August 2018 - 34 FB itneractions
ProVeg Incubator - pierwszy w Europie inkubator dla roślinnych startupów. Masz pomysł? Dołącz już teraz! (ProVeg Incubator info), ProVeg Polska blog, July 2018
ProVeg na EXPO w Szanghaju - promujemy roślinny styl życia w Chinach, ProVeg Polska blog, May 2018
Tinderowe rozkminki (Tinder reflections), naTemat, August 18, 2017 - 25 FB interactions
Skapnęłam się - rozważania egzystencjalne (I figured it out - existencial reflections), naTemat, August 7, 2017
Compassion in Action - Interview with Kim Stallwood,, September 2016
Meet NDZW - Illustrator for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,, August 2016
Publishing - a struggle or a challenge? Interview with Sergio Pereira,, August 2016
Meet Weronika Kolinska - Illustrator For Jane Austen’s eBooks,, July 2016
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - 16th April, Remembering Together,, kwiecień 2016
Rak jako metafora (Cancer as a metaphor), naTemat, March 28, 2016 - 2 FB interactions
Robert Makłowicz nie kupi jajek z chowu klatkowego! A Ty?, (Robert Małowicz will not buy eggs from cages! How about you?), naTemat, March 9, 2016 - 2073 FB interactions
Skromny apel do Narodowca (A humble appeal to the nationalist), naTemat, November 20, 2015 - 352 FB interactions
Customer values, „Talk Business”, October 2015
How to Write An Author Bio - 10 Tips You Can’t Miss,, September 2015
Louis C.K. PWYW Comedy Album,, September 2015
Would someone please make this into a movie! – review of “The King of the Sun,, September 2015
W upał ratują lisy z fermy, czy projektanci i właściciele futer to docenią? (In the heat, they save foxes from the farm. Will the designers and fur owners appreciate it?), naTemat, August 14, 2015 - 281 FB interactions
Polscy producenci futer na Cruelty Leaks (Polish fur producers on Cruelty Leaks), naTemat, February 5, 2015 - 103 FB interactions
Zwierzyniecka - intymny świat, który boimy się poznać (Zwierzyniecka -- an intimate world that we are afraid to know), naTemat, September 4, 2014 - 249 FB interactions
Seriale, na które warto zmarnować czas (Series that you should waste your time on), naTemat, August 9, 2014 - 371 FB interactions
Wegetarianizm w świecie dziecka (Vegetarianism in a child’s world), naTemat, August 5, 2014 - 698 FB shares
Jak one to znoszą? - śledztwo na fermach drobiu (How they can handle this? - investigation on chicken farm), naTemat, April 7, 2014 - 369 FB interactions
Etyczne wampiry (Ethical vampires), naTemat, March 31, 2014 - 43 FB interactions
10 wolnych kurczaków - czyli pierwszy “otwarty ratunek” w Polsce (10 free chickens - first open rescue in Poland), naTemat, January 28, 2014 - 816 FB interactions
Otwarte klatki - teraz! (Open cages - now!), naTemat, November 6, 2013 - 926 FB interactions
Niewidzialna wojna (Invisible war),, November 2013
Zwierzęca etyka - Robert Garner (Robert Garner's animal ethics),, październik 2013
Szczecin - nie dla ferm futrzarskich (Szczecin - no to fur farms), naTemat, October 3, 2013 - 239 FB interactions
Blackfish - zabójcza orka czy zabójcza głupota? (Blackfish - killer whale or killer stupidity), naTemat, Septemeber 24, 2013 - 272 FB interactions
Na ratunek - łamanie prawa w obronie zwierząt (To the rescue - breaking the law in animals’ defence), naTemat, September 7, 2013 - 1272 FB interactions
Poznaj drób (Meet the pultry), naTemat, August 22, 2013 - 419 FB interactions
24 godziny w klatce (24 hours in cage), naTemat, July 31, 2013 - 536 FB interactions
On bullshit - czyli kto nam wciska kit (Who bullshits us), naTemat, July 20, 2013 - 498 FB interactions
Takie jak my? Tacy jak one (Like us? Like them), naTemat, July 11, 2013 - 390 FB interactions
W labiryncie Fauny (In Fauna’s Labyrinth), naTemat, July 2, 2013 - 144 FB interactions
Status moralny zwierząt a dwa rodzaje potencjalności (Moral status of animals and two types of potentiality), "Analiza i Egzystencja", 22, 2013
Paradoksy abolicjonizmu (Abolitionism paradoxes), "Zeszyty Praw Zwierząt" 1(4)/2013
24 kwietnia - Światowy Dzień Zwierząt Laboratoryjnych (April 24, International Day of Laboratory Animals), Blog Fundacji Viva!, April 2013
Łamanie prawa w obronie zwierząt (Breaking the law to help animals),, luty 2013 - 1186 FB interactions
Atlas chmur - wstęp do etyki (Clous Atlas - an introduction to ethics),, December 2012 - 68 FB interactions
Droga do moralności (Road to morality), "Filo-Sofija", 16, 2012
Czy mamy prawo do samobójstwa? - analiza zagadnienia (Do we have a right to suicide? - subject analysis), EtykaPraktyczna.p, April 2012 - 23 FB Interactions
Droga siły i harmonii, „Vege”, February 2012
Wegańskie fanaberie, czyli o ignorowaniu wegan (Vegan fuss, about ignoring vegans) „Wegetariański Świat”, 12/2011
Etyczny wymiar sterylizacji i kastracji zwierząt (Ethical dimention of animal sterilisation and castration), „Vege”, 6/2011
Great Ape Project – prawa nie tylko dla ludzi (Grape Ape Project - rights not only for humans), „Vege”, 6/2010
Animals as Moral Agents, "Studies in the Philosophy of Law", 5, 2010
Podmiotowość zwierząt a personalizm chrześcijański (Animals' agency and christian personalism),, August 2010
Czy zwierzęta są osobami? (Are animals persons?),, sierpień 2010 - 31 FB interactions
Etyczna podmiotowość zwierząt - uzupełnienie do P. Singera (Ethical agency of animals - addition to P. Singer),, lipiec 2010
Błędy Petera Singera (Peter Singer's mistakes), „Zeszyty praw zwierząt” 2/2010
Paluszki rybne czyli czy warto uratować karpia? (Fish sticks, is carp worth saving?), „Vege”, 1/2010
Myślę, więc jestem? (I think, therefore I am?), „Wegetariański Świat”, 10-11/ 2009
Jedzenie zamiast bomb. Wegańskie posiłki i sprzeciw wobec zbrojeń (Foot Not Bombs. Vegan meals and protest agains militarism), „Vege”, 9/2009
Człowiek a zawierzę – konflikt interesów? (Human vs. animal - conflict of interest?), „Vege”, nr 8/2009
Czy zwierzę jest osobą? (Is animal a person?), „Vege”, 7/2009
O moralności testów na zwierzętach (About morality of animal testing) - lecture during Veganmania, MOK, Olsztyn, October 8, 2016
Jak z perspektywy prawa możemy dziś działać skutecznie na rzecz zwierząt laboratoryjnych (From law's perspective - how we can effectively help laboratory animals) - lecture during CARE - Conference on Animal Rights in Europe, Warsaw, July 29-21, 2016
Czego nie wiemy o testach na zwierzętach? (What we don't know about animal testing) - lecture, Panato, Wrocław, June 12, 2016
- - Pay What You Want eBookstore - presentation with Michał Kiciński during London Book Fair, in Tech Theatre, Olympia Centre, startup launch, April 14, 2015
Świadomość zwierząt (Animals' consciousness) – lecture for bioethics students, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, an invitation from Open Cages society, July 21, 2014
Etyka praw a etyka interesów zwierząt – spór teoretyczny, czy praktyczny? (Animal rights vs. animal interests' ethics - theoretical or practical dispute) – lecture during „Takie jak my” Conference organized by Institute of Philosophy, University of Szczecin, September 28-30, 2012
Paradoksy w bioetyce (Paradoxes in bioethics) – lecture during 13th Philosophers' Days, University of Szczecin, May 31 - June 02, 2012
Jak pomagać (How to help) – lecture during „Czy mamy obowiązek pomagać?” organized by Institute of Philosophy, University of Szczecin, May 25-27, 2012
Dylemat wagonika (Trolley dilemma) – lecture during philosophy workshops for finalists of 8th Gimnasium Philosophical Contest, at Institute of Philosophy, University of Szczecin March 15-16, 2012
Szowinizm gatunkowy”, „Abolicjonizm” oraz „Etyka zwierząt a prawo polskie (Specious chauvinism, Abolitionism and Animal ethics and polish law) – lectures for teachers during a Philosophy course run by dr Adriana Schetz entitled. "Animal ethics" Institute of Philosophy, University of Szczecin (February-April, 2012)
Indywidualizm moralny a szowinizm gatunkowy (Moral indyvidualism and speciecies chauvinism) – lecture during International Conference "Zlot Filozoficzny" at Mikołaja Kopernik's University, Toruń, June 24-26, 2011
Zabijanie zwierząt (Killing animals) – lectures during International Conference „Etyka zabijania”, Institute of Philosophy, University of Szczecin, May 16-17, 2011
Abolicjonizm. Teoria i praktyka (Abolitionism. Theory and practice) – lecture, Dom Muz, Toruń, May 05, 2011
Granice podmiotowości (Limits of agency) – lecture during 12th Philosophers' Days, University of Szczecin, April 15-17, 2011
Kryteria podmiotowości moralnej, a stanowisko P. Singera (Criteria of moral agency, P. Singer's stand) and Rola świadomości i emocji zwierząt w etyce P. Singera (Role of animals' conciousness and emotions in P. Singer's ethics) – lectures during a Philosophy course run by dr Adriana Schetz entitled „Animal Ethics”, Institute of Philosophy, University of Szczecin, November - December, 2010
Ewolucyjna wizja natury ludzkiej (Evolution vision of human nature) – lecture at III PhD International Interdysciplinairy Conference, University of Szczecin, October 22-23, 2010
Kontrowersje wokół etyki zwierząt (Controversies around animal ethics) – wykład, Traffic Club, Warszawa, 02.10.2010
Czy zwierzęta są świadome (Are animals conscious) – lecture at „Szczecińskie Dni Weganizmu” (Szczecin Vegan Days), Społeczny Infopunkt Alert, Szczecin, June 4, 2010
Etyka po Wittgensteinie (Ethics after Wittgenstein) – lecture at international conference „Analiza i Egzystencja. Dwa style uprawiania filozofii”, Uniwersity of Szczecin, Pobierowo, Maj 5, 2010
Etyczna podmiotowość zwierząt. Dwa rodzaje potencjalności, a kryterium P. Singera (Animals' ethical agency. Two kinds of potentiality and P.Singer's criteria) – lecture at 4th Polish Conference „Człowiek i Świat”, titled „Podmiotowość w perspektywie ekofilozoficznej”, Instytitut of Philosophy and Sociology, Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw, May 14, 2010
Podmiotowość etyczna zwierząt (Animals' ethical agency) – lecture at Nowy Wspaniały Świat, Warsaw, May 12, 2010
Etyka seksualna – model permisywny (Ethics of sex) – lecture during 11th Philosophers' Days, Willa West Ende, Szczecin, April 15-17, 2010
A short list of interviews I have given.
5 pytań do Urszuli Zarosy, autorki "Statusu moralnego zwierząt" (5 questions to Urszula Zarosa, the author of "Moral Status of Animals"), September 2018
Kampania Iamproveg. Czy bycie wege to moda tylko dla milenialsów? Jak przyjmuje się w Warszawie (Iamproveg campaign. Is being vegetarian is a millennial trend? How does it work in Warsaw), I'm answering questions from Ewelina Żółkowska,, August 2018
Dlaczego dzielimy zwierzęta na te do kochania, i te do zjadania (Those that we love, those that we eat - why we divide animals), I'm talking to Piotr Firan (radio speaker) and dr Michał Rudy in audition "Czat Czwórki", Polskie Radio Czwórka, May 2018
Representing ProVeg by answering questions at ELLE Magazine Poland panel, hosted by Katarzyna Burzyńska Sychowicz, with the participation of Areta Szpura, Marta Krupińska, Orina Krajewska, during Veggie World Warszawa - international festival for plant-based lifestyle, Warsaw, May 13, 2018
Animal Rationale: status moralny zwierząt (Animal Rationale: moral status of animals) I am talking with Łukasz Bożycki i Paweł Fortuna in RDC Radio, August 2016
The Future is Here: Read First, Pay After, along with Michałem Kiciński we're talking about startup with A.G. Billig, April 2015
Jak myślą zwierzęta? (How animals think?), I'm talking with Marcin Gerwin from Krytyka Polityczna, January 2015